Green Reason at Eco Chase

Eco Chase

Green Reason participated in Eco Chase, a sustainability-focused scavenger hunt in downtown Toronto.  Participants face clues and challenges that weave them through some of Toronto’s most innovative green projects. From grinding coffee using the power of a bicycle, to washing a car without a drop of water, participants must work as a team to uncover some of Toronto’s most ground-breaking sustainable businesses.

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Green Reason/720 Green Council Visit Wasteco



Green Reason accompanied the 720 Access Green Council on a tour of the Wasteco recycling facility in Brampton. Wasteco’s Orenda plant handles paper, cardboard, and organic food waste. Despite the impressive number of machines and employees sorting the recycling, the visit brought to light the amount of recycling that ultimately ends up in the landfill due to contamination from food and office waste. The experience impacted everyone on the importance of proper sorting of recyclables from other waste.


Presented LEED plaque to Grimsby Town Council

Tina Sutton and Alan Murphy, Green Reason Inc. were pleased to present the Grimsby Town Council with the LEED Canada Silver Certification Plaque for their recently completed Town Hall expansion and renovations.  As part of the presentation Mr. Murphy addressed Council offering his congratulations for the LEED Canada New Construction Silver award and Ms. Sutton made a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the various LEED categories and the Town Hall’s accomplishments.