Banff, Canada

Canadian Environment Week 2020

Canadian Environment Week was established to raise awareness about environmental issues by celebrating Canada’s accomplishments and encouraging Canadians to protect our environment. It includes several action and awareness days – you can participate and learn more virtually, create your own events or new traditions, plus there are many ways to show support for each movement. The hope is to inspire Canadians to encounter, conserve and celebrate our nature in meaningful and tangible ways.

Follow #EnviroWeek on social media for fun activities. However, you can do something from home every day to protect our planet by consulting these EnviroTips. We encourage you to share your research, goals and actions with friends and online to inspire change.

Clean Air Day Blue SkyClean Air Day, June 3, 2020

This day recognizes the importance of good air quality to our health, our environment and the economy both indoors and outside. Poor air quality is a local and global problem affecting public health. A positive side effect of this year’s global shut-down is a visible improvement in air quality. This year, celebrate Clean Air Day by joining other Canadians – do something as a company, individual or community to further reduce the causes of air pollution and climate change, and work towards permanent measures.

Learn about Clean Air Day at home, what’s happening nationally and locally, and what action is being taken on air pollution to ensure that Canadians have clean air and a healthier environment, in homes and buildings, as well as outdoors.

Biodiversity for World Environment DayWorld Environment Day, June 5, 2020

The United Nations General Assembly designated June 5 as a day for environmental activism in 1974. Annual themes usually focus on urgent issues. The theme for 2020 is biodiversity; both an existential and urgent issue. Recent events like locust infestations across East Africa, the global pandemic and bushfires in Brazil, the United States and Australia “demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life in which they exist.” Learn more about this very important day.

You can get involved in many ways: learn about the species and habitats with which we share this plant, participate in global conversations via #ForNature across social media to act on the global priorities that will be set by the world‘s environment ministers on June 5th. Download the expansive toolkit for inspiration.

World Oceans DayWorld Oceans Day, June 8, 2020

Created to unite and rally people around our blue planet to celebrate and honour, protect and restore our shared ocean. World Oceans Day’s Conservation Action Focus is on the protection of 30% of the Earth’s land and ocean by the year 2030. One of the most important actions you can take is to sign the global petition.

Not officially part of Canadian Environment Week, join this growing global celebration on June 8th as well as continuing engagement throughout the year. Look for virtual events, create your own, learn more about the issues and be an advocate for change by sharing your activities and new knowledge on social media. Use #ProtectOurHome to join and expand the conversation. Find details and several resources here.

Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Initiatives

Learn what is being done to protect Canada’s environment. Keep up to date with Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Twitter page and Facebook page.